Author: Heather H

Breeding Projects Axolotl

Breeding Projects Axolotl

Caring for Axolotl Axolotls require a lot of space so that they can move around the tank and any décor without becoming trapped or injuring themselves. A minimum of a 40-litre tank should be provided for a small axolotl, with them requiring closer to 80 litres as an adult. However, this is just a guide;… Read more »

Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Male Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet

Extremely loyal birds who require an attentive owner who has lots of time to dedicate to this beautiful bird  Colours: Most commonly green, also seen in bright yellows, reds, albino, blue, and others. Most typically green with blue tail feathers and yellow feathers under the wings. Housing: Social, flocks of 10-100 or more in the… Read more »

Quaker Parrot

Male Green Quaker Parrot (DNA sexed) CB24

Very social birds who enjoy being the centre of attention. Playful personalities who enjoy lots of company from humans or other parrots. Colours: Quaker parrots are mainly bright green with grey chest and green-yellow abdomen. Captive breeding has now made more colours available including: Blue, Cobalt, Yellow, White, Albino, Mauve, Green and Cream. Housing: Social,… Read more »


Sun Conure CB24

Conures are bright and activebirds that are known for theirplayful personalities andability to mimic sounds Colours: Conures are attractive birds and come in colours such as: green, yellow, orange, and blue. Conures are often named based on the colours on their cheeks and sides, such as the Sun Conure, Jenday Conure, and Green-cheeked Conure. Housing:… Read more »

Zebra Finch

Zebra finch on perch

Colourful and active birds who are ideal for an aviary. These birds are small, pretty and easy to keep. Available in many patterns and colours.. Colours: Standard/Grey which are the ’wild’ type. Available in Fawn, Pied, Black-Cheek, Black-Face, White, Light back and more.  Housing: Social birds, keep groups of birds in an aviary Lifespan: 5… Read more »

Java Finch

Java Finch CB24

Colourful and active birds who are great for viewing. Fantastic in a mixed aviary. Colours: Java Finches colouring is similar to that of a penguin. Usually the head of the bird is a grey/black colour with black head and tail feathers. Java Finches have cinnamon /grey coloured breasts and white patches on their cheeks. Housing:… Read more »

Canary Care Guide

Red Factor Canary CB

Happy natured birds with beautiful colours and an amazing ability to sing—more likely when kept alone Colours: Wild canaries are green/yellow all over their bodies. Domestic canaries tend to be more yellow but are also available in colours such as; orange, white and red. Housing: Happy to live alone. In groups keep more females than… Read more »


Cockatiel (Hand Reared) CB23

Known to be very friendly birds who are fond of their owners and enjoy spending time outside the cage with them  Colours: Cockatiels have a grey body with a lighter chest and abdomen, white on the wings and yellow and white on the face– they have orange cheeks. They are also bred in various other… Read more »

Breeding Projects – Leachianus Geckos

Male Nuu Ana Leachianus Gecko CB17

Leachianus Geckos are the largest gecko on earth. Reaching a humongous 15-17 inches, they are a giant version of the closely related Gargoyle and Crested gecko. Originating in New Caledonia, these great lizards enjoy an arboreal rain forest environment. Their sticky pads allow them to climb high into the trees and jump like spider-man, sticking… Read more »