Albino Axolotl 3-5cm CB24

Breeding Projects


Wildtype Axolotl 7-10cm CB24

Breeding projects Axolotl

2025 brings more changes not only to the store but also to our selection of breeding projects.

Due to popular demand, we have begun breeding projects axolotl in-house. This allows us to provide our customers with high-quality live reptile and aquatic pets, along with parentage information.

When we breed our animals in-house, we are able to give our customers the full feeding history from hatching from the egg.

Our breeding blogs allow you to see the full progress of our projects, including breeding, egg laying, hatching, and growing.

The process

Axolotls are an interesting species of amphibian with the amazing ability to regenerate their limbs should they lose them. Similar to froglets, this can be quite common among groups of young axolotls; in the wild, larger, healthier babies would inevitably eat some of them. In captivity we are able to monitor and control feeding which prevents some of the natural losses of the clutch.

Axolotl breeding projects – Our adult pair of axolotls are both leucistic in colour. Leucism causes a lack of pigment in cells, which is what makes them white in colouration. Leucistic Axolotls are not albino. You can easily tell the difference, as albino axolotls have red eyes and leucistic axolotls have black eyes.

Leucistic Axolotl CB

As both of our parents are visual leucistics, we expect most of our baby axolotls to look the same; however, it is possible for some individuals to appear with different levels of spotting and patterns. We will know more about the results of our breeding once the axolotls become larger.

Axolotls breed in a similar way to other amphibians. This involves the male depositing sperm onto the bottom of the tank or lake in the wild. The female then collects the sperm deposits in her cloaca and internally fertilises them. After a few days, the female lays eggs that look a little bit like see-through bubble wrap. After 2-3 weeks the eggs hatch and the baby Axolotls emerge.

Breeding Projects Axolotl

Similarly to other animals—including humans, sometimes we get unexpected results in a clutch including plus ones! An amazing sight to see, you can clearly see twins inside one of the egg sacs. As you can see, both look healthy and there is no reason why both of the babies would not survive.

Breeding Projects Axolotl

As the babies grow and get ready to leave the egg, it is a lot easier to recognise the tiny creatures as Axolotls. In the last few days before the eggs hatch, they are almost minature versions of their full adult state.

When they are hatched, the babies start to feed on small food items such as brineshrimp. When larger they begin feeding on bloodworm and other foods. The babies are small and almost seethrough allowing us to see that the babies have eaten.


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