Category: Breeding projects

Breeding Projects Axolotl

Breeding Projects Axolotl

Caring for Axolotl Axolotls require a lot of space so that they can move around the tank and any décor without becoming trapped or injuring themselves. A minimum of a 40-litre tank should be provided for a small axolotl, with them requiring closer to 80 litres as an adult. However, this is just a guide;… Read more »

Breeding Projects – Leachianus Geckos

Male Nuu Ana Leachianus Gecko CB17

Leachianus Geckos are the largest gecko on earth. Reaching a humongous 15-17 inches, they are a giant version of the closely related Gargoyle and Crested gecko. Originating in New Caledonia, these great lizards enjoy an arboreal rain forest environment. Their sticky pads allow them to climb high into the trees and jump like spider-man, sticking… Read more »

Breeding Projects – Pacman Frogs

What do Pacman Frogs need? Enclosures for horned frogs generally revolve around a plastic or glass box, offering a range of options.As with any reptile, the size of the enclosure typically depends on the frog’s size. For example, a baby horned frog would be more suited to a 1.3l—3l plastic tub, while an adult frog… Read more »

Breeding Projects – Yemen Chameleons

What do Chameleons need? Known as Yemen chameleons, these amazing reptiles are native to Yemen and certain portions of Saudi Arabia. They are among a number of special lizard species and among the most fascinating to maintain because of their gripping feet, pointed head crest, and color-changing skills. The head crest of the Veiled Chameleon… Read more »

Breeding Projects Panther Chameleons 2024

Male Blue Ambilobe Panther Chameleon 12-15cm CB24

What do Chameleons need? Environment Panther chameleons originate in the tropical rainforests of Madagascar where they thrive in warm and wet conditions. Although there is a dry season which runs from May to October and such high humidity may not be found during that time, we try to provide optimum conditions for chameleons when keeping… Read more »

Breeding Projects – Dwarf Genetic Stripes

Genetic stripe mum on eggs

We are starting off 2023 with a focus on in-house captive breeding, continuing on from all of our work on our captive breeding projects in 2022. We still believe it is of the most importance to supply good quality captive bred livestock to our customers. Post-brexit with the difficulty to get hold of certain animals… Read more »

Working with Foulsham Caramel- Our Story So Far

We have worked with Foulsham Caramel Lineage for over 12 breeding projects and 9 years to produce Amaretto (Clark Strain Purple Albino x Foulsham Caramel) , Coral (Clark Strain White Albino x Foulsham Caramel) and Pure Foulsham Caramel morphs. Throughout this time we have endeavoured to create the purest lines of Foulsham Caramel, originating in… Read more »