Category: Gecko Care Sheets

Leopard Gecko

Male Bold Stripe Leopard Gecko CB22

Leopard geckos are a nocturnal species of gecko that originated in the Middle East. Leopard geckos are a fascinating species that come in many colors and sizes. Genetics control the colors, patterns, and morphs of leopard geckos through selective breeding. Even though leopard geckos may look different, they all need the same care. Leopard Geckos… Read more »

Leachianus Gecko

Male Nuu Ana Leachianus Gecko CB17

Leachianus geckos are nocturnal geckos from New Caledonia and are similar to Crested and Gargoyle geckos They are found in the rainforest and are extremely active during the night time hours but will sleep for many hours during the day. They are the largest gecko in the world and reach sizes up to 17 inches. The… Read more »

Gargoyle Gecko

Black and White Super Stripe (regrown tail) Gargoyle Gecko CB21

Gargoyle geckos are nocturnal geckos from New Caledonia and are similar to Crested Geckos. They are found in the rainforest and are extremely active during the night time hours but will sleep for many hours during the day. Gargoyle geckos are cold blooded and are known as ‘exothermic’– meaning that they need heat from an outside… Read more »

Crested Gecko

Female Pinstripe Harlequin Crested Gecko Proven Breeder 40g

Crested Geckos are nocturnal geckos from New Caledonia. They are found in the rainforest and are extremely active during the night time hours but will sleep for many hours during the day.Crested Geckos are cold blooded and are known as ‘exothermic’– meaning that they need heat from an outside source in order to maintain their body… Read more »

Day Gecko

Female Madagascan Giant Day Gecko CB Sub Adult

Giant Day Geckos are large green geckos from Madagascar. They are found in the rainforest and are extremely active during the day.Day geckos are cold blooded and are known as ‘exothermic’– meaning that they need heat from an outside source in order to maintain their body temperature. Day geckos enjoy an arboreal enclosure to provide them… Read more »