Care Sheet

There are around 7000 species of millipede throughout the world.
Millipedes have around 100-300 legs with 2 sets on each section of their body
Millipedes are able to secrete a liquid in defense of predators which irritates them. Care should be taking when handling and cleaning your millipede
Most millipedes are docile and make great pets for the young and old herpers alike

Millipedes are generally docile however care should be taken as they are able to secrete a defensive liquid which can cause skin reactions.
Gloves should be worn and hands should be washed before and after handling. Ensure that the secretion from the millipede does not enter the eyes or mouth. As millipedes are sensitive we recommend handling only as required for cleaning and moving.
If you do need to handle your millipede for moving or cleaning, ensure that you collect it gently from beneath and support its body whilst moving to reduce stress.

At first glance, all millipedes look the same, however with some careful inspection we can often see the difference between male and female Millipedes.
Male millipedes will have a pair of gonopods which are appendages to aid in reproduction. On the seventh or third segment in some species, where the millipedes legs would usually be, they are missing and replaced with a smaller pair of gonopods.
Female millipedes do not have gonopods and instead have normal legs which all appear the same.

Millipedes should always have a rigid hard body. If it is soft in places this can signify dehydration or general ill health.
Millipedes will curl up to protect themselves when picked up or scared by something. If you pick your millipede up and it does not do this it can also signify that something may be wrong.
One of the main issues with millipedes is using a heat mat and drying the substrate which leads to dehydration. Ensure that you spray your millipedes daily to provide a good level of humidity. You may wish to add a shallow water bowl. Use a thermostat on heating equipment to keep the temperature to the correct level.
When health checking your millipede, check for any white fungus, the millipede would also likely be showing some of the signs of ill health from above such as dehydration and lethargy. Consult your veterinarian if fungus is found.

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