BPL Classic Snail Food 50g

BPL Classic Snail Food 50g

  • Protein and calcium packed feed for your snails
  • Organic ingredients
  • Made by Blackpool Reptiles

BPL Classic Snail Food 50g

Blackpool Reptiles protein snail food is a protein- and calcium-packed feed for your snails. In captivity, snails are often fed a mixture of vegetables, which lacks sufficient protein for their nutritional needs.

Blackpool Reptiles protein snail food is a great way to give your snails the nutrients that they need to stay healthy.

This specially formulated snail food helps to supplement their diet, ensuring optimal growth and enhancing shell development. Your snails will thrive with the essential protein and calcium provided by Blackpool Reptiles snail food. This high-quality snail food is convenient to feed and guarantees that your snails receive all the essential nutrients they need. With Blackpool Reptiles protein snail food, you can be assured that your snails are getting a balanced diet to promote their overall health and well-being.

Directions: Sprinkle the dry food on top of vegetables or mix with water until the mixture reaches a ketchup-like consistency.

Due to the organic ingredients in this mix, mold may start to appear on the food if left in warm areas when wet. Store in a cool, dry place to prevent mold growth. Change the food daily or every other day to prevent mold growth and ensure the freshness of the food.

Ingredients: Oats, Oyster Shell, Milk Powder, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Dried Mealworms, Chick crumb, (if flavoured: Beetroot/ Broccoli powder)

For questions about BPL Blackpool Reptiles Products,or anything else on our website, please contact us.

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