Crystal White Isopod 10pk


Crystal White Isopod 10pk -Porcellio Laevis

Size: 10pk

  • Perfect for Bio-Active enclosures
  • Can be fed to smaller forest reptiles & amphibians
Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 100 × 100 × 30 mm

Blackpool Reptiles



Crystal White Isopod 10pk

Woodlice are an excellent addition to any bio-active tank, aiding in the process of cleaning waste. Woodlice are bio-active custodians which feed off the waste created by your reptile pet and its food. Dwarf Woodlice are small and fast and so generally remain uneaten by your pet and will readily breed to keep your bio-active environment clean.

They eat any type of organic material and in the right bio-active set-up, they will breed prolifically and provide an ongoing food source as well as serving as part of the clean-up gang to consume waste and recycle nutrients.

Porcellio laevis Crystal White isopods are bright white in color and have a smooth, shiny exoskeleton. These isopods are highly sought after in the hobbyist community, with a large following due to their striking appearance and ease of care.

They serve as valuable additions to bioactive terrariums by efficiently breaking down organic matter, which in turn promotes a hygienic environment for other terrarium inhabitants. Their lively movements and intriguing behaviors make them a captivating species to observe, such as their communal gatherings or playful interactions.

Moreover, Porcellio laevis Crystal White isopods exhibit rapid reproduction rates, ensuring a sustainable population for those seeking to create a flourishing ecosystem. Their remarkable adaptability to diverse environmental conditions, ranging from humidity levels to substrate types, positions them as an adaptable and versatile option for various terrarium configurations.

For information about isopods or any of our other bio-active products, please contact us.

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