Female Giant Malaysian Scorpion Adult
Female Giant Malaysian Scorpion
Heterometrus spinifer
Captive Bred Adult
Sex: Female
Female Giant Malaysian Scorpion Adult
The Malaysian Forest Scorpion,Heterometrus spinifer, is an attractive and bold looking scorpion. Heterometrus are one of the most commonly kept species of scorpion amongst beginners and advanced invert keepers. They are known for being a placid and hardy species that are easy to keep.
Like other scorpions, we do not recommend handling your pet Forest Scorpion due to the risk of it being dropped, causing harm, or getting lost in your house. When cleaning, you should move your pet scorpion carefully by moving the bark they are on or gathering them into a plastic tub to move them. Malaysian Forest Scorpions are mildly venomous, and their sting can cause mild pain, usually affecting those with allergies or a low immune system. Venom only usually effects those with allergies or a low immune system,
The Malaysian Forest Scorpion is a terrestrial burrowing scorpion, meaning it enjoys a large floor space to move around in. Rocks and bark should be provided so that you scorpion can hide and feel secure. Provide a deep layer of substrate to allow your scorpion to burrow if it chooses to, mimicking its natural behaviour. This enables your pet scorpion to exhibit its natural wild behaviours.
Malaysian Forest scorpions should have an ambient temperature of around 70-73°F and a basking temperature or hot spot of 82-86°F to provide them with a comfortable and healthy environment. You can achieve this by placing your scorpion’s tank on top of an existing reptile vivarium to allow the heat to penetrate from beneath, ensuring the right temperature levels. Alternatively, you can supply a heat mat on a thermostat that automatically controls your pet scorpion’s temperature. We do not recommend using a heat source without a thermostat, as this can overheat your scorpion, which can lead to ill health sometimes resulting in death.
Scorpions are sensitive to UVB, so this should not be provided. However, it is beneficial for them to have access to natural daylight to help them regulate the time of day correctly. In the wild, Malaysian Forest scorpions are mostly nocturnal creatures, so your scorpion will be mostly active and hunt at night, reflecting its natural behaviour.
A bioactive enclosure is highly recommended for scoprions as it mimics their natural habitat, providing essential enrichment for their physical and mental well-being. This setup enhances the well-being of your pet scorpion and simplifies its maintenance, making it easier for you to care for your scorpion effectively. Bioactive custodians like isopods play a crucial role in recycling your pet’s waste, contributing to the cleanliness and balance of your scorpion’s habitat. In addition, isopods can help break down organic matter and prevent mould growth in the enclosure.
Feed your scorpion a mixed diet of crickets, locusts, cockroaches, morio worms, and other appropriately sized insects, occasionally dusted with calcium for nutritional balance.
For any questions about scorpion care or housing, or any information about our animals or products, please contact us.