Male Emperor Scorpion Adult

From: £250.00

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Male Emperor Scorpion

Pandinus imperator

Captive Bred Adult

Sex: Male

Male Emperor Scorpion Adult

The Emperor Scorpion, scientifically known as Pandinus imperator and native to Africa, is a popular scorpion in the hobbyist community. Because of their size, disposition, ease of maintenance, and low venom potency, they are frequently recommended as an excellent species for beginners. They are interesting to watch even though they are not overly fond of being handled.

Emperor scorpions require a large space to move around, and as always, you should provide the largest enclosure possible for your pet scorpion. Geneally, scorpions are housed in plastic or glass tanks, and a heat source such as a heat mat should be provided, as emperor scorpions require an ambient temperature of around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and a basking spot of around 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit. We recommend using a thermostat to ensure you are providing enough heat for your pet scorpion but not overheating it, which can cause health issues such as dehydration and can even lead to death.

Emperor Scoprions are found in the tropical rainforests and savannahs of West Africa, where they would receive high heat from the sun along with high humidity due to plant matter and rainfall. Therefore, the humidity level for your scorpion should be around 70–75%. Regularly misting or spraying the enclosure and making sure there is a water bowl available can help achieve this. Moss can be added above the heat mat and can be sprayed regularly to add humidity when required.

Emperor scorpions are one of the largest scorpions in the world and are carnivorous animals. They should be provided with a mixed diet of insects such as cockroaches, crickets, and locusts and may eat the occasional pinkie mouse as adults. Livefood should be dusted with D3 1-2 times a week to enable your scorpion to have a healthy exoskeleton.

Scorpions are sensitive to UVB, and so this should not be provided; however, it is good for them to have access to natural daylight so that they can correctly regulate the time of day. In the wild, Emperor Scorpions are mostly nocturnal creatures, meaning your scorpion will be mostly active and hunt at night.

For any questions about scorpion care or housing, or any information about our animals or products please contact us. 

For any questions about scorpion care or housing, or any information about our animals or products please contact us. 

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