ProRep Live Plant. Devil’s Ivy x5 Large

ProRep Live Plant. Devil’s Ivy x5 Large

Contains 5 large Devils Ivy plants. 

Temperature: 70-90°F (celcius 21-32°C)

Light: Indirect sunlight is ideal for Devil’s Ivy to thrive, making it perfect for bright, but not direct, light conditions.

Water: Water when the top 2 inches become dry. Water sparingly in winter.

Care/Maintenance: Fertilise monthly during the growing season and trim back any leggy growth to encourage bushiness. Devil’s Ivy is a low-maintenance plant that can benefit from occasional misting to increase humidity levels.

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 100 × 100 × 300 mm

ProRep Live Plant. Devil’s Ivy x5 Large

General Information: Devil’s Ivy x5 Large is a versatile plant. It can be grown in hanging baskets or as a trailing plant. It is known for its air-purifying qualities. Fantastic in Jungle style enclosures.

Caring for Devils Ivy

Devils Ivy thrives in a wide range of light and moisture conditions. However, it cannot tolerate permanent dry conditions. It thrives best in a moist, humid terrarium with good light. Under these conditions, it can grow vigorously. It produces large leaves and can overtake a terrarium. Prune it back hard and it will come back just as vigorous as before. Prune back to within a few leaf nodes of the soil. Trim the vine back as required. Leaving the main vine in place and trimming it back to the same length every time will make it thicker, creating a fantastic jungle effect.

In addition to enhancing the terrarium’s visual appeal, these plants offer benefits to the animals. Living plants offer natural cover, climbing perches, shade, basking sites, and help maintain natural humidity. Similar to how office plants benefit workers’ well-being, terrarium plants have a comparable effect on animals.

We carefully choose these plants specifically for terrariums, including unique and rare species, going beyond typical houseplants. We selected plants to suit different habitats and growth patterns, offering a variety of options. You can find succulents for arid environments, bromeliads, ground cover plants, epiphytes for jungle setups, and aquatic plants and mosses in stock.

These plants enhance your pet’s terrarium, creating a natural and attractive environment. See our bioactive set up kits.

The range includes over 40 different plant species. For advice on turning your pets tank bioactive, or anything else, please contact us. 

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