ProRep Live plant. Harworthia margaritafera Small


RRP: £4.99
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20 in stock

See Our Live Plants
See Our Bio-active housing
See Our Bio Active Substrates

Harworthia margaritafera Small

Temperature: 59–77°F (15–25°C )

Light: Indirect sunlight is ideal for Haworthia margaritafera. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn, so it’s best to place this plant in a location with bright but filtered light.

Water: Water Haworthia margaritafera sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so it’s important to err on the side of underwatering with this plant.

Care/Maintenance: Repotting should only be done when the plant has outgrown its current container, typically every 2-3 years.

Weight 0.22 kg
Dimensions 85 × 85 × 160 mm

ProRep Live plant. Harworthia margaritafera Small

General Information: Haworthia margaritafera is a slow-growing succulent that requires minimal care and attention. Perfect for indoor environments with consistent temperatures and bright, indirect light making it perfect for the desert terrarium.

Although similar in appearance to Aloes, Harworthia has shorter leaves and a more upright growth habit and attractively spotted leaves. They propagate by forming offshoots and can develop into large clumps. Like most desert plants Harworthia needs bright lighting, and a free draining soil but this species will tolerate some shade. Drought tolerant but better to water as the soil dries out, but before they are completely dry. Unless the terrarium is set up with a deep, bio-active substrate then plants is a dry terrarium are best kept in their pot, which is then disguised with substrate and decor. This allows the plants to be watered as necessary without making the whole substrate too damp.Apart from the aesthetic appeal of a planted terrarium there are some very real, tangible benefits for the animals. Living plants provide natural cover and climbing perches, shade, basking sites and maintain natural humidity. Just as live plants in an office can improve workers well-being, live plants in a terrarium will have the same effect for animals.These plants are not just small houseplants but are a selected range of species that are ideally suited to the terrarium, including some of the more unusual or rare types. We have carefully selected the range so that there are plants to suit all habitats and growth patterns. There are succulents for arid environments, bromeliads, ground cover plants and epiphytes for jungle set up’s as well as aquatic plants and mosses.These plants enhance your pet’s terrarium, creating a natural and attractive environment. See our bioactive set up kits.Over 40 different plant species are available in the range including ProRep Live plant. Harworthia margaritafera Small. For advice on turning your pets tank bioactive, or anything else, please contact us.

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