Collared Lizard CB21

Collared Lizard

Care Sheet

Male Collared Lizard CB20
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Collared Lizards are a medium sized lizard originating in South and mid America

They are aptly named after the black collars which appear around the next of adult lizards

Collared lizards inhabit an arid environment and enjoy basking and burrowing in through rocks and rocky outcrops

Collared lizard care is known to be similar to Bearded Dragon care however there are species specific parameters for both.

Platinum Bearded Dragon Kit


Collared lizards require as much space as we can give them, but reasonably as adults need at least a 4ft  by 2ft vivarium. This is partially due to them needing space to roam and exhibit their natural behaviours, and partially due to the hot spot they require and the ability to create a thermal gradient within the tank.

Collard lizards exhibit hot areas and use their natural environment in order to reach their optimum temperatures. Collard lizards enjoy basking on rocks to get warm and using holes within the outcrops to cool down once they have reached the required temperature. It is important for us to try and provide an environment as close to the one where they would be found, within captivity. Collared lizards require a basking site which reaches their optimum temperatures, along with a cool area and so we use the ends of the tank for this. At one side there should be a heat lamp or ceramic to provide the hot spot, at the other end the lizard can cool down. Collared lizards also require UVB which they would gain from the sun in the wild. This is provided in the form of a T5 or T8 bulb in strip form to provide UVB throughout the whole tank.

Wooden vivarium’s are perfect for collared lizards as they keep the heat in, whereas glass tanks can get very hot , like a greenhouse, but also very cold in cool temperatures therefore dropping the ambient temperature below the required measurement.

Provide rocks and décor for your lizard for enrichment, cork bark hides on both ends of the enclosure gives your animal a good place to hide and sleep.


Collared lizards require as much space as we can give them, but reasonably as adults need at least a 4ft  by 2ft vivarium. This is partially due to them needing space to roam and exhibit their natural behaviours, and partially due to the hot spot they require and the ability to create a thermal gradient within the tank.

Collard lizards exhibit hot areas and use their natural environment in order to reach their optimum temperatures. Collard lizards enjoy basking on rocks to get warm and using holes within the outcrops to cool down once they have reached the required temperature. It is important for us to try and provide an environment as close to the one where they would be found, within captivity. Collared lizards require a basking site which reaches their optimum temperatures, along with a cool area and so we use the ends of the tank for this. At one side there should be a heat lamp or ceramic to provide the hot spot, at the other end the lizard can cool down. Collared lizards also require UVB which they would gain from the sun in the wild. This is provided in the form of a T5 or T8 bulb in strip form to provide UVB throughout the whole tank.

Wooden vivarium’s are perfect for collared lizards as they keep the heat in, whereas glass tanks can get very hot , like a greenhouse, but also very cold in cool temperatures therefore dropping the ambient temperature below the required measurement.

Provide rocks and décor for your lizard for enrichment, cork bark hides on both ends of the enclosure gives your animal a good place to hide and sleep.

Platinum Bearded Dragon Kit
Collared Lizard CB21


Collared lizards can be quite shy, especially when initially purchased. However with careful handling they can become more tame. They are a very fast lizard so care should be taken if you are handling your lizard. When opening the enclosure to clean, ensure that you know where the lizard is and observe it to ensure it does not escape from the tank– remember these lizards love squeezing through holes in the rocks so they are skillful.

If you choose to handle your lizard, we recommend you do this in a controlled environment such as inside the enclosure where the lizard can freely get away if it chooses.

If handling for health check, place a firm grip around the lizards body, avoiding the tail as they can drop this in stressful situations but it does not grow back.

Male Collared Lizard CB20
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Genus, Species Crotaphytus spp
Adult Size 10-14 Inches
Habitat Desert
Lifespan 10-12+ Years
Diet Insects dusted with calcium powder every day, veg offered
Ambient Temp (f) 80-83
Basking Temp (f) 95-100
Humidity (%) 20-30 UVI 1.0-2.6 (Shade) 2.9-7.4 (Max bask)
Locality USA Difficulty 2
Breeding Age 18-24 months old
Social Structure Groups of singular males, Multiple females


Genus, Species Crotaphytus spp
Adult Size 10-14 Inches
Habitat Desert
Lifespan 10-12+ Years
Diet Insects dusted with calcium powder every day, veg offered
Ambient Temp (f) 80-83
Basking Temp (f) 95-100
Humidity (%) 20-30 UVI 1.0-2.6 (Shade) 2.9-7.4 (Max bask)
Locality USA Difficulty 2
Breeding Age 18-24 months old
Social Structure Groups of singular males, Multiple females

Male Collared Lizard CB20
Stock image
Collared Lizard CB21


As with many lizards, Collared’s can be quite hard to sex as hatchlings and even juveniles. Once they have developed enough– this differs between species– males will develop larger scales in between the bag legs than females.

Adult Collared lizards are easier to sex with males showing brighter colours of green and blue, where females are less colourful and lack the brighter colours.

Ensure that you are certain of the sex of your lizard before choosing a mate for it, just remember that males and females will breed, they also potentially require their own enclosure.



Collared Lizard CB21


Eyes- Eyes are clear with no sign of puss, inflammation or milky appearance. Eyes are free of black spots in corners which could signify mites.

Skin- The skin is clear of shed and there are no cuts or scrapes on the lizards skin. Occasionally locusts or crickets can nip the skin of the lizard. Always remove live food that is not eaten after the lizards meal to prevent further bites and stress which can stop your lizard eating.

Limbs- All the limbs are moving correctly and the lizard is able to walk and move normally. Lizards can suffer from a condition called MBD (metabolic bone disease). This occurs when lizards do not have enough calcium D3 and causes their bones to grow abnormally, eventually restricting their movements. MBD cannot be reversed so always dust livefood with calcium twice a week to avoid MBD occurring.

Weight- Many lizards in captivity are overweight which is generally a result of the lizard being fed on worms alone or fed too often. Feed your lizards a mixed diet of locusts, crickets, roaches, mealworms and pinkie mice to adults as a treat..


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