Love Bird
Care Sheet

Love birds mate for life when kept together. Provide lots of attention/enrichment when keeping singularly
Colours: Wild love birds are normally green, yellow, blue and orange, but there are many other colours available in captivity including; Black, Silver, grey, Peach and more
Housing: Love birds require as big an enclosure as possible to allow them to fly and exhibit their natural behaviours.
Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Adult Size: 13-17cm | Adult Weight: 40-60g

Love birds require as big an enclosure as possible to allow them to fly and exhibit their natural behaviours. If keeping alone, much human interaction is required, for those who do not have a lot of time to spare, it is better to purchase 2 love birds or more.
If keeping in a smaller cage, birds will require daily exercise in a flight aviary, or to free fly in the home.

In order to handle your love bird you will first need to invest some quality time in getting to know it and letting it trust you. Use treats and perches to coax your bird out. Once your bird is comfortable coming on to the perch, you can slowly teach it to land on your hand or shoulder for a treat.
Over time the bird will develop a relationship with you and the treats likely wont be needed.

Order: Psittaciformes
Origin: Africa
Size: 13-17cm
Adult Weight: 40-60g
Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Housing: Live alone, in pairs or in groups
Young: Chicks
Sexual Maturity: 10 months
Incubation Period: 18-24 days
Birth Weight: 2-4g
Breeding Season: Jan-Apr, Jun-Jul
Wild love birds are normally green, yellow, blue and orange, but there are many other colours available in captivity including; Black, Silver, grey, Peach and more

• Signs of flight are normal
• Moves normally and no signs of lethargy
• The beak aligns correctly and has no signs of over growth
• The vent is clear
• The bird is alert
• The bird is acting normally and there are no signs of isolation from other birds

- A large cage
- Perches and swings
- Water dish and feed bowl
- Cleaner & disinfectant
- Cage cover for night time use
- A lock for the cage
- Seed and some fruit