Care Sheet

A beautiful small bird similar to a parrot which can learn to speak and requires much enrichment
Colours: The base colour of a parrotlet is green/yellow but they are available in captivity in colours such as blue, yellow, lutino, fallow, darker green, pastel, Isabel (cinnamon), albino
Housing: Prefer to live alone with enrichment, can be agressive towards each other
Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Adult Size: 12-15cm | Adult Weight: 33g

Parrotlets can become tame and will be handled but this should be their choice. Slowly and calmly introduce yourself whilst your bird is in the cage.
Once the bird is more settled, you can allow the bird to walk on to a perch in the room. Using food, you should tap your arm (using a glove) and say “step up”, when the bird steps up, you should offer a treat. Over time the bird will learn to bond with you without food.

- Signs of flight are normal
- Moves normally and no signs of lethargy
- The beak aligns correctly and has no signs of over growth
- The vent is clear
- The bird is alert
- The bird is acting normally and there are no signs of isolation from other birds