BPL Pin Cushion Moss 1000ml


RRP: £12.99
SAVE £6.49

5 in stock

See Our Live Plants
See Our Bio-active housing
See Our Bio Active Substrates

BPL Pin Cushion Moss 1000ml (2 x 500ml)

Temperature: 15°C- 25°C (59°F -77°F)

Light: Bright, indirect light.

Water: Keep constantly moist but not soggy.

Care/Maintenance: Leucobryum glaucum thrives in high humidity levels, so misting the plant regularly can help replicate its natural environment. Avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 300 × 220 mm

BPL Pin Cushion Moss 1000ml

General Information: Leucobryum glaucum, also known as the pin cushion moss 1000ml, is a low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of greenery to any indoor space. Its compact growth habit makes it ideal for terrariums or as a ground cover in shaded areas of the garden.

Blackpool Reptiles and Aquatics moss is suitable for reptiles, amphibians and other animals.

BPL Moss is perfect for bio-active terrariums as it provides a natural environment for your pet.

Pin cushion moss 1000ml is great for creating areas of hiding and climbing and frogs, lizards and other species. It also holds water well and provides humidity for your pet. Moss is also useful in insulating the terrarium.

Pin cushion moss is spongy and soft and can be used to add height or hides to the terrarium floor. It can be grown together with other mosses to create a natural looking enclosure. Moss also helps bio-active custodians to hide and is useful for egg laying reptiles who may use it to lay eggs beneath.

Moss can also be used in a warm hide for all species to help with shedding.

These plants enhance your pet’s terrarium, creating a natural and attractive environment. See our bioactive set up kits.

For advice on turning your pets tank bioactive, more information about pin cushion moss 1000ml, or anything else, please contact us. 

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