Zoo Med All Natural Frog Moss 1.3L, CF3-FME


RRP: £11.19
SAVE £2.24

Over 50 in stock

Zoo Med All Natural Frog Moss 1.3L, CF3-FME

  • Completely natural cage substrate
  • Can be used for amphibians and wetland environment reptiles
  • Excellent for retaining humidity and can be used a a substrate or in a shedding box
  • Can also be used for incubation and is an excellent egg-laying substrate


Weight 0.136 kg
Dimensions 88.9 × 139.7 × 165.1 mm




Zoo Med All Natural Frog Moss 1.3L, CF3-FME

Zoo Med All-Natural Frog Moss 1.3L is a completely natural cage substrate which can be used for amphibians and wetland environment reptiles including salamanders, frogs, toads, garter snakes and more.ᅠ Moss is excellent for retaining humidity and can be used a a substrate or in a shedding box to help your reptile shed its skin.ᅠZoo Med All-Natural Frog Moss 1.3L can also be used for incubation and is an excellent egg-laying substrate. Available in 5 different sizes, you can use moss in small or large environments. Frog Moss is also called Pillow Moss and will come back to life and grow, providing the terrarium is in proper conditions.

Zoo Med All-Natural Frog Moss 1.3L is used in store within our amphibian section along with other enclosures and is recommended by staff at Blackpool Reptiles & Aquatics. Moss can be used in a tropical environment where is promotes humidity, for use in an enclosure as a burrowing medium and can be re-used providing it is clean and free from mould. Frog moss can be washed and reused several times before it needs replacing with new moss.

We recommend that customers only use moss which has been created for reptiles as natural occurring moss can contain chemicals which could harm your animal.

For more information on which moss is available, tips on how to use it or if you have any questions, please Contact Us.ᅠ


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