ProRep Live Plant: Vriesea Christiane (5cm)

ProRep Live Plant: Vriesea Christiane (5cm)

Temperature: 65-80°F (18-27°C)

Light: Bright, indirect light Water: Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Water: The leaves in the leaf whorl’s centre, where they form a natural bowl, absorb the majority of the water and nutrients these plants need. This central cup needs to be kept filled with water, which will happen naturally with spray systems.

Care/Maintenance: Mist the leaves regularly to maintain humidity levels, and flush out the central cup occasionally to prevent stagnation. Avoid using hard water or water with high mineral content to prevent build-up on the leaves.

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 85 × 85 × 300 mm


ProRep Live Plant: Vriesea Christiane (5cm)

General Information: These plants are known for their unique ability to collect water in their central cups, which can attract insects. It is important to keep an eye on the cups and clean them out if necessary to prevent any issues.

Vrieseas are epiphytic bromeliads with an interesting leaf shape and pattern, ideally suited to use in forest set ups. They can be grown attached to rocks or branches, or in a well drained soil. Planting these plants in waterlogged conditions will cause them to quickly rot as their roots are used for attachment rather than collecting water or nutrients. Easily scorched by hot lights they need a fairly bright position, but out of direct light. They will also tolerate light shade.

Most of the water and nutrients these plants require are absorbed by the leaves in the centre of the leaf whorl, where it forms a natural bowl. This central cup needs to be kept filled with water, which will happen naturally with spray systems. The occasional dead insect or frog dropping will decompose to provide nutrients, or you can use a weak foliar fertilizer. A mature plant will produce a stunning bright red flower stem (which is where they get their name “fire”) after which it will produce young plants, called pups, at the base and then the parent plant will die.

For questions about our live plants, or any of our products, please contact us.

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