ProRep Live Plant: Lace Aloe (Medium)

ProRep Live Plant: Lace Aloe (Medium)

Temperature: 65-80°F (celsius: 18-26°C)

Light: Prefers sunlight but can also tolerate partial shade.

Water: Well-drained soil is required. Allow soil to fully dry out between waterings. In the terrarium use a drainage layer or keep inside pot and remove from tank if adding moisture to substrate.

Care/Maintenance: Aloe vera plants require minimal care and maintenance, making them ideal for beginners. This is a shallow rooting plant, so care should be taken when adding it to a tank with larger animals who may knock it over.

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 85 × 85 × 160 mm


ProRep Live Plant: Lace Aloe (Medium)

General Information: Aloe Vera plants are known for their healing properties and can be used topically for minor burns and skin irritations. They also make great indoor plants as they help purify the air by removing toxins.

Aloes are great plants for arid terrariums. Their interesting leaf shapes and growth habits make them ideal for adding interest to a planting arrangement. The leaves are often armed with spines so care should be taken when using them with larger species of animals.

Aloes need bright lighting and a well drained soil which prevents the roots rotting. Their leaves are designed to store water and so they are tolerant of occasional drying out, but this should be avoided if possible. They prefer to be watered as the soil dries out, but before they are completely dry. Unless the terrarium is set up with a deep, bio-active substrate then plants is a dry terrarium are best kept in their pot, which is then disguised with substrate and decor. This allows the plants to be watered as necessary without making the whole substrate too damp.

Over 40 different plant species are available in the range. For advice on turning your pets tank bioactive, or anything else, please contact us. 

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