ProRep Live Plant. Tradescantia Small

Tradiscantia Small

Temperature: 60-85°F, ideally above 70°F.

Light: Grow in sun or partial shade.

Water: Keep soil moist with a good drainage layer.

Care/Maintenance: Prune back regularly to maintain a bushy appearance. Remove any dead foliage.

Weight 0.14 kg
Dimensions 85 × 85 × 240 mm

ProRep Live Plant. Tradescantia Small

General Information: Tradescantia Small is a stunning leafy plant originating in Central America. Leaves are variagated with purple colouring underneath. It adds a touch of colour to any terrarium, and the leaves are perfect for creating hiding and climbing opportunities.

Apart from the aesthetic appeal of a planted terrarium there are some very real, tangible benefits for the animals. Living plants provide natural cover and climbing perches, shade, basking sites and maintain natural humidity. Just as live plants in an office can improve workers well-being, live plants in a terrarium will have the same effect for animals.

These plants are not just small houseplants but are a selected range of species that are ideally suited to the terrarium, including some of the more unusual or rare types. We have carefully selected the range so that there are plants to suit all habitats and growth patterns. There are succulents for arid environments, bromeliads, ground cover plants and epiphytes for jungle set up’s as well as aquatic plants and mosses.

These plants enhance your pet’s terrarium, creating a natural and attractive environment. See our bioactive set up kits.

Over 40 different plant species are available in the range including Tradescantia Small . For advice on turning your pets tank bioactive, or anything else, please contact us. 

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