ProRep Crestie Life Substrate 10 Litre


RRP: £12.39
SAVE £2.06

Over 50 in stock

ProRep Crestie Life Substrate 10 Litre

  • Designed to meet the needs of arboreal species that require high humidity
  • Provides an open structured substrate that will hold moisture to maintain a high humidity
  • Can be used as an active medium for growing live plants that need a neutral or acidic soil
Weight 2.5 kg
Dimensions 100 × 250 × 420 mm




ProRep Crestie Life Substrate 10 Litre

A blended substrate to help create the ideal environment for Crested Geckos and other arboreal species.

ProRep Crestie Life Substrate 10 Litre is part of the species specific Life series of substrates and has been designed to meet the needs of arboreal species that require high humidity. The mix of ingredients provides an open structured substrate that will hold moisture, releasing it slowly into the atmosphere to maintain a high humidity. Its open structure ensures that air is able to penetrate deep into the substrate layer, preventing stagnation and unpleasant smells and the slightly acidic PH helps to inhibit bacterial growth.

Crestie Life can be used as an active medium for growing live plants that need a neutral or acidic soil. It is not suitable for plants that need alkaline soil, or in enclosures that have aquatic areas that may cause the substrate to become waterlogged. Because of its moisture retaining qualities and open structure Crestie Life is also suitable as an egg laying medium and eggs laid in it will not dehydrate before they can be collected.

Crestie Life is suitable for all arboreal species, including invertebrates such as stick insects.

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